Friday, January 01, 2010


It's 2010 and so far all I see is people complaining, "Who cares if its 2010, big deal." or "Fuck the new year." because obviously they're waaaay too cool to care? (Sarcasm intended). Up yours, I'm a happy camper, which is strange because usually I’m the Bitter Betty, the Negative Nancy, The Debbie Downer. Not this time my friend. My new years went pretty well although I don't really feel like writing about how I spent my night but I will talk about when I went shopping the day before!

I think everyone knows I’m not an avid 'jean-wearer' and I always prefer tights, leggings, dresses, & skirts. But never sweats, I hate sweats (unless I'm working out). My previous post was on things I would have enjoyed getting for Christmas but unfortunately didn’t get. I did some shopping and out of that list I still got ZIP. Surprisingly, this time I got jeans. I was so proud and my dad was even more ecstatic. I also bought a few shirts and a hat. Disappointed in how much I didn’t get.

I got these earings that I love tons but I'm thinking they might be tacky, what do you think?

Later that day I went to MAC, originally looking for an eye brow brush. When I saw the lipsticks it was instant. Move over Marilyn Red (or make some space) for Russian Red. First I was excited to buy Chili, but when I saw Russian, I didn’t even think twice to make the purchase. Though I kind of wish I bought Spice it Up! Wow, I'm not even a big makeup fanatic. I must sound crazy. I've just never been passionate like all other Junior-High schoolers about lip-gloss. I've always loathed having guck on my lip, so fucking gross. I like Lipstick and blush; plus it reminds me of my mother who loved Marilyn Monroe (who was so charming?). Since my mom is no longer alive, I try to keep as much as I can of unforgotten.

 I’m stoked for tommorow...going thrifting in Brooklyn with some friends. Really hoping to find great buys for cheap. I hate spending but I love the joy of new things. If you know any good spots, comment.

Oh & I found out Vampire Weekends record doesn’t come out until January 15th, I think. All that excitement for nothing I guess. This post really went no where but read and follow!


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