I am so ready to lose a massive amount of weight. Bring on the water, veggies, strawberries (and occasional sweets). This month has been a whole lot of nothing. Lately I've been hanging & cruising and I'm getting real bored. Everything and everyone is really starting to bother me, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual. I got declined from EUGENE LANG, the school I was so ready for, and I think that rejection letter bummed me out for the rest of the year. I hope in a few days my mind set will be more positive and I can say it was "their loss”. Prom is in a few months, and for a while I was infuriated with all the bullshit involved with it but I'm not sick of looking online for cute dresses and hair ideas. I really liked one dress but I found it at the mall, and we all know what that means..
Everyone is doing the "MILEY" hair. Have fun looking alike girls.
Maybe I'll do Dita?
WHO KNOWS WHAT I’M GOING TO DO? I'm still going through my awkward haircut. I'll be happy with going in jeans if these guys were my dates!

Jonnie Penn

Justin Nozuka

Matt Dilon

Travis Barker

Chris Tomson
Y'KNOW any of these guys are cool.