Tuesday, October 05, 2010

I'm A Real Wild One

For starter: Apple needs to make a blogspot app for my new IPAD. Soooo, get to it Apple!

I also thought I would mention how much Facebook status' irk me. I want to have a talk with a few selected people I'm friends with. I don't think they realize how stupid they can sound..but this is coming from someone who confesses her love to dead men, and Justin Bieber so I guess I really have no say. I hate a some Facebook status' so much that I can't keep off of it. Guys, it's getting bad.

All I do is sit at the computer screen and roll my eyes. Well at least lately that is what has been going on. I'm more of a Twatter gal (I'm sure I said that a bunch of times).

I don't really feel like get g into deep thoughts but I saw The Social Network. It was great...even if you already know the story. You get to see hot guys play "computer geeks" and such. They could have left out a few things and they could have elaborated on a few things. I left the theater happy. Now I'm sure I won't see another movie for 12 bucks until another 6+ months.

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