Monday, November 15, 2010




I recently started getting into Warpaint (Holy shit…I know, I’m late). They’re so great, sort of a wiggly, eyes-closed, slow movement, awesome kind of great.

It’s normally hard for me to get into a band with a female lead because more commonly then not their voices are either extremely annoying, or too dull. There are also many different in-betweens on what female voices sound bad (or good) to me, but I think when it comes to female led bands, I’ve always been more into Courtney Love’s and Beyonce’s. With Warpaint it’s something so different that I can’t quite pinpoint. Something…special. Which is really the only word I can think of (I’ll try again later..noiwont).

I just got the album today and I love it already!

Don't I look excited!?

People compare them to Cat Power, so if you're into Cat Power check 'em out. Warpaint is playing Webster Hall December 1st, and Music Hall of Williamsburg on December 2nd, so for all of you who are into it, GO!

I  really love Bee’s, definitely give it a listen, or just keep it on repeat, because I’m sure that’s what will wind up happening.


  1. ehh but youre late lol

  2. That comment can not be real^

    Which one of my friends are fucking with me (ILOVEYOU).

    I am late. The only way I can truly by saying better late then never?

    oh & thanks.

  3. i'm even later because you introduced me to them! hahaha, i kinda agree that i like gillian's style a bit better on 90210 though i liked that 1st outfit.


    DIY, Vintage & Custom Apparel by NYC chicks

  4. No way! Get into them..sooo fucking good. I really liked the first one also, actually I enjoyed both but I'm still into Ivey waay more.

    Thanks so much for the comment ha! X


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