Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I'm positive no one give a shit but I got a B mothafuckaaaaaz

But I finally got my Sociology grade back! A class that I knew I would fail because well, all I think about in class is music, my English class, and hot babes.

I've always expressed my hatred for my Sociology professor but in actuality I never truly hated her (and I'm not just saying this because of my grade, promise!) just her teaching method, which consisted of teaching for thirty minutes of three hour class then assigning us over 200 pages to read and no papers to write.

Blah blah blah blah blah

She finally gave us our first exam, got that baby back and it was a C. Fuck my life. Fuck me for only studying on the three stops subway ride. I knew it was down hill from there.

2 weeks later she held conferences with us to explain how were doing, which I was dreading. Not because I "hated" her but because I never enjoyed or cared about talking/getting to know my teachers. Don't know why? I just never gave a fuck, which I regret a tiny bit now.

We talked, and talked, she smiled, I awkwardly laughed, we talked...about music! That's when I realized she's such a sweet lady who I just never really understood.

Blah blah blah

Our final was handed out, students faught with other students, phrases like "Listen, boo-boo" were thrown, and I started my exam. While other students cheated I envied and sat in hope that I would pass this even though there was no way in HELL I would. I knew maybe on answer. After sitting in the room for an hour and thirty minutes I gave up and handed in my test.

The class was over, I was thrilled.

Weeks, and weeks, and weeks, went by. Today I finally got my grade, which is a B when I totally thought I'd get a D. Holy shit, I'm, in the words of Ragan, elated!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So I've enjoying blogging more than ever lately and of course when it becomes part of a weekly routine I can't do it anymore. I mean, I guess I can but I can't post pictures, and edit HTML, all that nonsense. My PC has a virus and my iPAD allows me to do shit.
 Btw the picture on the right has noting to do with anything. I just needed some color. Y'know.

I'm sick of this mother fucking snow. I'm ready for fun, free shows and the heat.

I also tried changing my my template and like an idiot, I didn't save my original template which is why I'm stuck with this unattractive wood-panel-black and white background that can be compared (almost to a t) a Myspace layout, or Grandmas floors. FUUUUUUUUUCK. This really sucks. 

My online journal of pointless shit has now become even more..pointless

NOW, Who wants to buy me a Macbook Pro? Any takers? I won't be mad..

Holy shit, it really came down to begging. I have no digz.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dear Blogger,

Please make an Apple app so I can update on my iPad instead of my PC. I wouldn't neglect you as much if I were able to post pictures through my iPad. Unfourtunately, I don't have Flash Olayer and I never will. That truly breaks my heart but that's the way love goes. Right? Well, Blogger it's been nice talking to you. Now give me an app, mother fucker. Love you. I swear.

Sasha Lane Camacho xx

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Music Monday

I know it's not Monday asshole!

but I thought I'd share that I can't stop listening to Big Boi's new album. Give it a listen, or twelve. It's serious stuff  that needs more credit.

Christmas List

also known as things I probably won't buy/get...

can't a girl dream?

Photo BANG 2

Funny, the two, and only people who joined this group are the two, and only people I make fun of for wearing that much eyeliner.

Attention Deficit

I’m sitting home on a Thursday night, the night before Christmas Eve (which doesn’t mean much to me since I’m kind of a Grinch) sucking the sugar off Watermelon sour patch. 

I’m basically bummed about my first term as a college student. As much as I say I don’t care to make friends and meet new many people, I’m lying so hard (eh). I love my friends now despite the fact that I rarely see them I feel like they’re the best of what I’m going to get and so I don’t myself out there…I know what you’re thinking, “that’s why you’re home on a Thursday night”... and you’re right, unfortunately. So this is why next term I’m going to see what I can do on the basis of making at least two new friends. I mean, obviously I’m not going to force myself on people but I wont completely close everyone out. Oh, boy. I wonder how long I'll keep this attitude, I’m sure  not for very long.

Although I frequently say I hate my school, and I do most of the time, I do love seeing the one out of twenty guys that I’m attracted to during the week. 


Monday, December 13, 2010


I’m sure those of you who use Tumblr
have seen this incredible video by
El incredibly amazing is it?

Thoughts? Check out the website here!

I have some great posters. I can’t think of places to put them where people will really see them. Again, thoughts? Please?

Dakotta Fanning

Thought I'd just share how much I love her. She's super talented and has her shit together..not saying I have a problem with people who don't have their shit together..because I don't..uhh..

Congrats, Sasha!

Wow, it’s been a while..and things have been going pretty great. Minus the fact that I talk to almost no one, I’m a happy girl (for the most part).

So I’m currently still on the Matador Records “street team” and I love it but I wanted to intern somewhere, where music is discussed and loved.

My interview was on December 8th at EMI records (artists). When I walked in the offices I realized how under dressed I was. I wore tan chunky boots, black tights, a high waisted polka-dot skirt (which was probably a tad bit too high, oh well.), and a white shirt that could compare to artist Ricky Iglesias, while everyone else was dressed very..buisness, blue-collar..I hate that. It wasn’t a pretty scene. I also realized all the good looking people around me. Definitely not complaining.

So with skipping all the nervous-sweaty palm shaking-studdering-mess details, I interviewed with six people and I heard back from one.

I know! Not so shabby. Especially for me. Someone who curses and tells the truth at interviews. I held back and was very proud of myself.

One thing I’m really excited about is gloating. It’s a bad habit of mine. Sorry (but what I really want to say is, SUCK IT.)
OH! And I also got to take home a free CD! I loooove free!


Change Is Hard II

            OH, my MEAH.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

So Happy Together

I haven't blogged in a while.

So, here..

Kidding. How much of an asshole would I be I really meant that. Omg I would be such a dick. I have a bunch to say but my studies can't be interrupted. HA.

Who am I kidding!?

I do have class in about a half hour and I didn't finish the reading over the weekend. Will do right now.

Btw for those of you who can't stop saying right meow, please do.
It was cute/clever/funny at first now it' Half of me wants to lightly punch you in the face while the other half wants to hug you for being so cute.

Make sence?

Probably not. But please, cut that shit out.