Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's the smalls things.

Missing class on the wrong day:

Ever since I was a Limited Too-frizzy-no so little-tut I remember the joys of being absent from class. Getting to watch cartoons all day instead of being trained, and doing pointless assignments. Oh, the fucking joy. It was so great or at least I thought it was until I went to school the next day and some random boy with boogers in his nose would come over and tell me about how fun the trip was. That's when I would quickly think "Oh, fuck. That was yesterday? Shit!" (I developed a vulgar mind at a young age).

Those days were the worst days now we slitourwristbecauseithappenedonmostdays (?). Clearly trying to revise Biggie doesn't always work out for people like me. 

It totally still happens, which fucking sucks. The only difference is instead of missing out to an awesome field trip to the Liberty Science Center I miss out on an exam that is worth 25% of my grade. Fantastic.

Now when I walk into class in hear faint whispers of my fellow peers: "I hope I did good" "I deff got a B"

Poor you! While you passed, I'm getting a zero.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I suck. Some things never change. #foreverforgetful

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