People get off on getting "Happy Birthday, gurllll!" comments (via Facebook) on that special day they were born.
I mean yeah, it's cool to know someone wants you to have a great birthday, but do they really? I know I'm reading waay to into this but that's okay, it's what I do.

By the way, don't fret, this kind of, sort of used to be me (via Myspace days). I'd secretly obsess over which one of my friends got the most birthday wishes, which totally was never me, and then I finally realized do I really give a fuck?
Should I give a fuck? Nope. Why should I care if someone wants me to have the feeling of happy on my birthday.
Who cares if Sara who you met on the internet (but never met irl) who ALWAYS happens likes your pictures and pointless status' forgot to wish you a "Happy Birthday"! She probably forgot, get over it. YOU CAN DO IT.
All in all, birthday wishes? Sure, they're nice. Is your life over if someone doesn't wish you a "Happy Burfday"? I don't think so.
Did I contradict myself a few times? Ugh, probably.
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