Sunday, June 19, 2011


To: Amanda

Monday, June 13, 2011


 I came across some girl on Tumblr, by the way I have one now so check it out here, and I read her short and sweet passage about "Groupies". 
 First things first (I'll eat your brain), I find "groupie culture" for lack of a better term quite interesting.
I don't know much about it to judge but it's still something I'd consider researching (I'm not going to
get into it because well, I suppose I want to save it for another time). What I DO know about is Penny Lane
from The Band Aids and how killer she is...Kate Hudson rules in that movie. 
Secondly, I know how this girl feels. Attending a show/concert/gig or whatever has got to be the most
refreshing, freeing, liberating (or not) feeling ever. You're in a room filled with other people who appreciate 
and love something as passionately as you do. Realizing you're NOT THE ONLY (asshole) PERSON WHO
LISTENS TO THAT BAND. Knowing you're supporting the band someway, somehow. On top of it all, while 
you dance  you're not being judged! Or at least not always - sometimes though, let's be real.
I got this picture somewhere here
Anyway, we dance like freaks because we just
 don't give a fuck, it means THAT much to us.

It's my favorite feeling, I'm also still a virgin, 
but you get the point. If I could find a job that
allowed me "to get paid for doing what makes [us] 
happy" obviously we would take it. In this case, 
yeah you can be an "It Girl" y'know, stand there and 
look pretty, get your picture taken, go to a million 
events for free, then get paid  à la Cory Kennedy but
I'd want more than that...
Like the girl who posted the above,I guess I
just find myself to get really passionate about 
a band. When I appreciate someone's music, I really 
really really appreciate it. I'm not saying I'm some
crazy fucking nutty-loon that wants to be around the 
band all the time and breathe their air and prove to 
everyone how much I like the band, I can't even take 
those foolish people who wear Passion Pit getup to a 
Passion Pit show, fucking idiots, I just want to attend
 their shows all the time and watch them play until my 
eyes bleed. Preferably for free...kind of like groupies. 
I know there are many jobs out there where you
 can get in a show without hassle(manager, music journalist,
blah blah blah), but meh. Meh. 
Can't I just be paid to be a "music appreciator"?
  Oh geez,I bet I sound like the laziest fuck ever, that's fine.
What do you guys think about "groupies"?

P.S. No hate towards Cory. She's a hustler and that's rad.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Alright Alright

I'm starting a new "segment", for lack of a better word, basically I'll be responding to something super irrelevant and unimportant to your life and posting how I feel about that "situation".

We all like to giving our opinions when they aren't wanted, right?

 It will be sort of be like a rebuttal, but really nothing like one at all.

I usually come up with some crazy bullshit in my head and then decide to never actually write it because well, I don't want war, I'm all about the love, and John Lennon said to give peace a chance, remember? So of course I have to listen to him, he's a genius!

The first thing I'm going to write about are: "Drum-roll" You love 'em, you hate em, your boyfriend fucked 'em and you want to be one!... "Groupies"! 

Right? Wrong! Anyway, I'll post that on Monday. Stay glued, looney toon!

Saturday, June 04, 2011

"Check ya later"

Lately I've been feeling like I haven't been contributing to society as much as I'd like to. Then again I might just be writing this because I'm home in a Barney colored V-neck on a Saturday night. 

I guess I'm starting to notice how much fun I don't have when I'm home for a day. Is it abnormal that once I come home from my moderately fun festivities (because that's considered contributing to society, y'know?) I immediately become "stressed",  "bored" and/or "annoyed" at everything. I put those three verbs/adjectives in quotations because their only temporary problems. Once I wake up and reach over for my phone and read my "hangout?" texts I'm fine again. Strange part is that I'm super independent and really enjoy and value time spent alone. 

 I currently don't have a job, and no, I'm not fine with it but it's summer so I kind of give less of a fuck than I usually do. Meh, I don't fucking know? Maybe I'm just sick of watching Dazed and Confused everyday I don't have plans?

...I think it's time to take up a new hobby, any suggestions?      

Friday, June 03, 2011

Where We Lie..

I've noticed lately that everywhere I am no matter if it's in public or in my own home I tend to sit on the floor. It's my forte. I don't sit on a bench or couch like civilized people do but instead I pop a squat on the filthy streets of New York.

Do you guys have any weird habits? Or habits that other people consider weird? Tell me, I would love to make fun of you for it!