You say: “Jared Leto is a fantastic actor and should stay being a fantastic actor.”
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You hate them because Jared Leto looks like a “huge tool” on stage, you hate them because they're in the "mainstream", and you hate them because the boys can't decide on one haircut or hairstyle, so they continue to be foxier than you. You hate them because you wish you were a hot babe who can pull of skirts. You really hate them because fat tween girls love them...and most of all you hate them because of, well, their appearance and non-legitimate reasons, and that sucks. But I won't lie, I was on that same boat as you for a while. Read this to see what I mean. Click here if you enjoy being a hater.
I say: If you ever even listened to their album you would know that hey all truly know how to play their instruments. There album provides us fans with big choruses and power chords (and even a little auto-tune for all you T-Pain fans [but not really]).You might think they suck JUST because they’re 30 Seconds to Mars but listen to the songs. Really listen to them without the prejudgments.
The first 30 seconds of most of their songs give me chills………
“No matter how many lies I live, I will never regret; There’s a fire inside of this heart,
about to explode into flames; Where is you God?”
Jared’s lyrics aren’t typically what we’re hearing these days and it’s so refreshing for a “mainstream” band to be releasing what they feel is magic. Their music just provides so much intensity. It emphasizes emotions that make us feel sort of vulnerable. On top of it all Jared's raspy voice has so much force and when he belts out that beautiful mouth of his (creepy?) the crowd actually goes wild. The don’t hide behind anything which makes me appreciate them so much more.
Favorite songs:
"Track 10"
Listen to Tomo slappin da bass (guitar) hard than he slaps his girlfriend’s ass in bed and Shannon’s drumming that makes you want to rage, yeah I said it.
Favorite lines:
“Try and stop me
Try and save me
I want to fall...
Try and cross me
Take me, teach me
I want to fall
I want to fall
I want to fall...
I want to fall
I want to fall
I want to fall...”
Minimal amount of lyrics– so you can't say the lyrics suck, and if you still think so, you're completely mad.
I know I could go into much more depth of why they suck/are great but hopefully I can leave that to you guys to discuss down below? Let me know how you feel.