Saturday, September 14, 2013


Hey guys, just wanted to share a band with y'all on a Saturday...consider yourselves lucky ;)

If you're into banjos, fiddles, and fun get into The Brothers Comatose! I literally just heard their stuff, and before you judge they definitely aren't true to their bands name (comatose, psh, more like...I got nothing, but they're great!). Although I wouldn't typically listen to this, I've been on a blue-grassy kick and they're hitting all the right spots to make me want to get up, clap, and ear-to-ear smile.

And if you dig it, well, you're in luck again! They're playing a show tomorrow at The Bell House in Brooklyn for 10 bucks!

If you're still undecided, check out their video for "Pie for Breakfast"...which reminds me, I'm pretty hungry. Anyway, happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god this sounds so good! got that southern folk TWANG! bitch you STANK


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