I have a strange love for strawberries. I fancy everything about them. The way they stain your lips, holding the sturdy green stem as a handle, the discoloration at the top, smashed, ripe, old, it’s always an excellent fruit. It’s sweet sometimes sour taste. Best of both fucking worlds. The greatest part has to be chewing the seeds individually. I believe they’re extremely unappreciated. The only place where I’ll admit they go wrong is when candy is artificially flavored: strawberry. Gross. I still love ‘em! I truly don’t know what screams yum more then this.
In fact, would it be lame if I got a shirt that reads:
Why are they so tasty? They're so good, people write songs about them. Strawberry Fields by The Beatles, Strawberry Swing by Coldplay, Strawberry by Everclear, Strawberry Sex by Ken Hairai, Strawberry Wine by Ryan Adams, Internal Bleeding Strawberry by Olivia Lufkin, The Strawberry Roan by Cisco Houston, Strawberry Avalanche by Owl City. I'm sure theres plenty more.. AHH THE LOVE WE SHARE.
Even Animal Collective values strawberries.