Last night I got to attend the Drake show at Radio City Music Hall (read here on how I got tickets).
To make a long story short Stephania, my friend who I invited, was running late.
She somehow got stuck in-between the Ferry doors trying to convince a worker to wait for me, she got hit on by an hottie hottie Australian, we get off on 50th, realized how long the line was, finally get inside after a lengthy, dreadful, yet exciting 3 minutes, walk into the venue filled of a tons of kids who looked like they’re from Staten Island (you know, the ones who wear Yankee caps, with nice sneakers, and a v-necks…just saying) we pass every row, wind up in the “Friends and Family” section (pit 3rd row) waiting anxiously for Drake to come on, he comes on along with a bunch of other artist, Steff raps to every song, I enjoy myself rapping a few words to his singles
groupie love was in the air, Drake wanted to fuck everyone and everything (including the air), I got his attention for two seconds, Steff got it for 5, he gave out a Blackberry, his sang…well! He rapped…he shouted, he cursed, he looked *siiigh*,
he made fun of people (girls), he called people out (again, girls) he was simply overall, amazing, WHAT A GOOD FUCKING NIGHT.
Tyga opened, Drake was…well, the only way I can really describe him is with a wink, and an OK hand gesture. Trey Songs, Swizz Beats, Bird Man, Young Jeezy (I think),
F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S, Kayne West, naaaaww he didn't come out, but that would have been insane, and Jay FUCKING Z. I might be forgetting someone, Drake "shoots" himself, falls to the ground, pays tribute to Aliyah :( but what a great night it was.
Quite honestly I still feel like I took someone’s opportunity to see their favorite rapper…AAAAAND I’m over it. I had a great night.
Heres a quick video I made LOL. It’s just a bunch of shitty pictures I took, and got in trouble for.
I'm in lust.
Did I mention how great my night was?