Friday, October 29, 2010

Matt and Kim

I can't wait to blog about what went down. I'm way too tired to write about what happened two nights ago, but it's coming.

Oh! and Russians read my blog..on purpose? By mistake? Who gives a's happening!


Sunday, October 24, 2010


Hey you! Yeah, you! YOU SUCK. Cut your shit out. You know who you are...

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I have so much going on. Actually I have nothing going on at the moment. I guess if I were to count school as “going on” I would have lots going on but as for what’s happening right now…nothing.

What has happened to me in the past two days?

Long story short: Took the SIR, and bus to the DMV (note: FAR AS FUCK)…and didn’t get my ID! Awesome! P.S. Did you guys know the DMV was closed on weekends? Because I fucking didn’t.






My niece is a screen play writer, AND a chef.
What's your family like?

                                                                   Can NOT wait for Halloween.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Total for life

My 50th post. Wow. I will put that beautiful half aged number to shame.

It's only 12 o'clock but it feels so much later and I was starting to really think about things. Over thinking is one of my worst habits but like most thoughts I can't help it. Does that make any sense?....there I go again.

Whatever. What I was really thinking deeply about is how much drama I don't have in my life right now. I mean, yeah, of course I have some drama but it's natural drama. If there is such a thing. I just don't want to be around people who involve me in ridiculous situations. I'm think I'm done with that. Let's cross our fucking fingers. Please.

Also, again, I don't want to deal with people who don't have substance. I want to learn good things. I want to learn. What do I mean by no substance? I'm leaning towards people who change themselves based on who and what they're around. I beg you to cut that shit out or move out of my way.

I also envy those of you who truly know who you are. Y'know the kids that in middle school who have always been the same way. The ones, who I guess were labeled by there appearance but are still that same person we saw on the outside and is still that person we never got to know in the inside?

Are you sick of the people who cry for attention but swear they "don't give a fuck" when they really do? Or those girls who truly are just a mold of their, let's say: closest friend or boyfriend? Just throwing some shit your way. I'm curious. <- obviously. Leave an anonymous comment down below..right now. If you'd like..


I whip my hair back and forth

I truly love Willow Smiths new song
I truly love Willow Smiths new song

it is perfectly sassy and adorable. I'm also sure it makes everyone want to dance. I wish I could post it on my blog but my iPad doesn't allow me to do that :/

In other news, Halloween is coming up and I could not be more excited. I don't have any set plans, unfortunately. I have an idea of whom I want to be and it's not quite an original idea but I have always dreamt about wearing a wig, and well, whom I want to be requires a wig. I'm thinking a pop star. Although going in a zombie clan would be so much more satisfying..

Who knows?
I don't. I never do.

Right now I'm content with things, and nobody better fuck it up (that means you, you little shit).

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mom! I gave the cat some acid!


Other then the usual, NIRVANA, I've been listening to The Smiths so much lately. I have always adored Johnny Marr, but now I've developed a crush on Morriessy.

I was stoked to finally show my blue (in my hair) and it's not coming up. Well, this sucks.


Friday, October 15, 2010

I am so... on this. Pure laziness. Simple thoughts, irony at it's best because I am no simple girl.


Things I need:
-A camera
-Halloween plans
-My check
-an apartment
-a job that requires fun
-an accent would be cool too.

Ohhhhhh boy.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

I'm A Real Wild One

For starter: Apple needs to make a blogspot app for my new IPAD. Soooo, get to it Apple!

I also thought I would mention how much Facebook status' irk me. I want to have a talk with a few selected people I'm friends with. I don't think they realize how stupid they can sound..but this is coming from someone who confesses her love to dead men, and Justin Bieber so I guess I really have no say. I hate a some Facebook status' so much that I can't keep off of it. Guys, it's getting bad.

All I do is sit at the computer screen and roll my eyes. Well at least lately that is what has been going on. I'm more of a Twatter gal (I'm sure I said that a bunch of times).

I don't really feel like get g into deep thoughts but I saw The Social Network. It was great...even if you already know the story. You get to see hot guys play "computer geeks" and such. They could have left out a few things and they could have elaborated on a few things. I left the theater happy. Now I'm sure I won't see another movie for 12 bucks until another 6+ months.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Oh! And...

If you're not British please stop saying "I'm in college from 2-4 FML".

 Just because you attend college doesn't mean you have to say it all the time. None of you said:
"Well, here I go, I have high school for 6 hours" or "I'm in middle school all day today so I can't go out -__-"

Does it bother anyone else?
 I'm not trying to be rude, for once, but I don't see the point.
 The people who do it are fucking wierd, no?

Maybe I'm just weird..My bestfriend thinks so..


My video didn't come up. Wah.

In other news, I got my iPad today! I'm stoked, and afraid it's going to get stolen when I walk to the subway. I guess I should not have thrown away the box it came with...

It has spell check, well so did my itouch, but it wasn't as great. Copy and paste? What the fuck?