I went to Philadelphia for the the first time last weekend. Here's what happened/what I learned in a few bulletin points because I'm sure like me, you don't have the time, patience, or fucks to read about how much fun I had:
-Arrive early for your Megabus because people are crazy.
-Talk to the person next to you because you never know. I met a cool music publicist.
-You need to buy something to use the bathroom, EVEN if you're dying.
-Don't try to use the bathroom at Gino's if you ate at Pat's...even if you didn't eat at Pat's.
- Don't park by the park because you'll get a $51.00 fine.
- Don't go to Pat's for cheesesteaks because they weren't good. Yeah, I said it...and I'm a little scared to go back now.
-Don't wear black and brown or lose fitting jeans to Briar Vintage because the guy that works their will tell you that "ya look like shit".
-Go see Matt & Kim in a different city because they don't love NYC as much as I thought :,( :,(
-Be prepared to party with
dorm kids because I don't remember any of
Profstock...but maybe that's not a bad thing?
-Go to DSW because their employees will tell you how good looking you are.
-Bring a straightener so you make your babie-sh boyfriend look silly.
-Go to the Reading Terminal Market because the fudge is SO good...also, a GREAT birthday present ;)