Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black Friday
My friend got me a job (twelve hour shift) at her store today for Black Friday. I have no idea what is in store for me, but I'm sure a fight or two will go down.
It's literally a minute before I leave. Shitfuckbitchcockballs. That was gross. I think I might be nervous. Later.
It's literally a minute before I leave. Shitfuckbitchcockballs. That was gross. I think I might be nervous. Later.
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Opposite of Adults
I have officially lost track of the days. Being a college student means the days of the week don't matter..well, at least for me.
Being a college student also means I need a laptop almost as bad as I need to get laid. I'm kidding. Kind of.
Naw, I'm totally joking. UHHHH..
It would be so much easier to post on a computer so for those of you who actually check out my blog can see pictures and graphics instead of just boring text. "tell Mommy I'm sorry"
-Working on the whole Matador Records thing is fun! I met new people, creeped some kids for pictures, and grew balls, small ones but balls nonetheless.
-I randomly saw (and made full on eye-contact)with Noah or Xaphoon Jones of Chiddy Bang in St. Marks. I'm still nerding out over it. Sue me. -I tweeted him (like the huge dork that I am) and he totally remembered. It's really weird that I ran into him..and didn't say hi.. because that morning I got an email about there new tshirt design (I'm on there street team -_- but I prefer to say they're my employers [HA, I wish])then I ran. Into. Him. Yeah.
I bet it's super creepy that I'm writing about a boy I rarely know. Who gives a fuck? He's nice, and he's an awesome dancer.
Other then that whole mess I've been spending like crazy, and I haven't been living life to the fullest. Shut up, I know. I'm a nerd.
I don't wanna' grow up!
Being a college student also means I need a laptop almost as bad as I need to get laid. I'm kidding. Kind of.
Naw, I'm totally joking. UHHHH..
It would be so much easier to post on a computer so for those of you who actually check out my blog can see pictures and graphics instead of just boring text. "tell Mommy I'm sorry"
-Working on the whole Matador Records thing is fun! I met new people, creeped some kids for pictures, and grew balls, small ones but balls nonetheless.
My friend is also in one of there videos, and by friend I mean a boy who was in a few of my classes in High school and we occasionally spoke, which is pretty sweet. Check him out, his name is Luke.
I bet it's super creepy that I'm writing about a boy I rarely know. Who gives a fuck? He's nice, and he's an awesome dancer.
Other then that whole mess I've been spending like crazy, and I haven't been living life to the fullest. Shut up, I know. I'm a nerd.
I don't wanna' grow up!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Good Life
Oh and by the way what the fuck is up dudes? I thought this month was all about not shaving? Is it too commercialized for you? Grow a pair and more importantly keep growing that lovely beard.
Monday, November 15, 2010

I recently started getting into Warpaint (Holy shit…I know, I’m late). They’re so great, sort of a wiggly, eyes-closed, slow movement, awesome kind of great.
It’s normally hard for me to get into a band with a female lead because more commonly then not their voices are either extremely annoying, or too dull. There are also many different in-betweens on what female voices sound bad (or good) to me, but I think when it comes to female led bands, I’ve always been more into Courtney Love’s and Beyonce’s. With Warpaint it’s something so different that I can’t quite pinpoint. Something…special. Which is really the only word I can think of (I’ll try again later..noiwont).
I just got the album today and I love it already!
People compare them to Cat Power, so if you're into Cat Power check 'em out. Warpaint is playing Webster Hall December 1st, and Music Hall of Williamsburg on December 2nd, so for all of you who are into it, GO!
I really love Bee’s, definitely give it a listen, or just keep it on repeat, because I’m sure that’s what will wind up happening.
I recently started getting into Warpaint (Holy shit…I know, I’m late). They’re so great, sort of a wiggly, eyes-closed, slow movement, awesome kind of great.

I just got the album today and I love it already!
Don't I look excited!?
People compare them to Cat Power, so if you're into Cat Power check 'em out. Warpaint is playing Webster Hall December 1st, and Music Hall of Williamsburg on December 2nd, so for all of you who are into it, GO!
I really love Bee’s, definitely give it a listen, or just keep it on repeat, because I’m sure that’s what will wind up happening.
Thursday, November 11, 2010

I’ve been posting a bunch lately on Twitter. I’m sorry, don’t kill me. Please? Actually, I haven’t. I haven’t been on twitter much. BUT I will be on it a lot more in the upcoming weeks. Maybe. I’m pretty sure.
I’ve been applying for internships left and right and I kind of can’t stop. I love when people respond. It makes me giddy, stoked, and anxious. You know the deal. Maybe you don’t? Whatever, I don’t give a fuck. The point is that I CAN NOT wait to start working with a record label!! I seriously can’t be anymore stoked. I get to work with the craziest of people (hopefully). As of right now I got about 4 responses from record labels. Fuckyes! I know it’s only interning, and most of you would never do a job for free, but I’m all about free. I’m lying so bad right now.
My first “job” is going to be with Matador Records. Yeah, I know. It’s okay and completely normal to be envious (jealous, a know you want to punch me). I get to be one of those annoying flyer-hander-outers. That’s were you’re wrong! I’m going to be the chillest of them all. I cant wait to get materials in the mail. So gnarly.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
The ferry part III
I just want to start off by saying that I think it's the most hilarious thing when people miss the ferry. Not because I'm actually happy inside that they couldn't run fast enough but because I never thought it was such a big deal. I mean, yeah, you have to get to work on time or the big boss will A)fire you B)Be super pissed and embarrass you C) or they probably won't even notice because they don't give a fuck about who and what you're about.
I bet you're rolling your eyes, I sound naive, I know. All I'm saying is being late might have it's advantages. What if you see the person of your dreams? That would be fucking awesome. Maybe I'm just more laid-back in the aspect of timing. I walk like I'm running from an infant serial killed but my pace still sort of feels slow. Whatever.
But I still think the express train is bullshit. It's just the truth. It's supposed to get you there faster but it's never fast enough. Like I said before people ALWAYS miss the boat, even if you're on the express.
Anyway, I am currently listening to Don't Worry Baby by The Beach Boys on repeat. I'm not quite sure what is it about this song but it sort of makes me feel dainty and pretty. I can listen to it for countless hours and days. Yes, days. Someone recently said (and by said, I mean I read it on some blog) The Beach Boys is a horrible band name. I wanted to get violent when I heard that. I think their name is brilliant. So fucking simple and great.
I bet you're rolling your eyes, I sound naive, I know. All I'm saying is being late might have it's advantages. What if you see the person of your dreams? That would be fucking awesome. Maybe I'm just more laid-back in the aspect of timing. I walk like I'm running from an infant serial killed but my pace still sort of feels slow. Whatever.
But I still think the express train is bullshit. It's just the truth. It's supposed to get you there faster but it's never fast enough. Like I said before people ALWAYS miss the boat, even if you're on the express.
Anyway, I am currently listening to Don't Worry Baby by The Beach Boys on repeat. I'm not quite sure what is it about this song but it sort of makes me feel dainty and pretty. I can listen to it for countless hours and days. Yes, days. Someone recently said (and by said, I mean I read it on some blog) The Beach Boys is a horrible band name. I wanted to get violent when I heard that. I think their name is brilliant. So fucking simple and great.
Monday, November 08, 2010
That title...too strong?
My life consists of searching for internships, organizing, and bad food.
My life consists of searching for internships, organizing, and bad food.
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
Tell me about some of the weird totally fucked moments you’ve had with men/women/homeless people/creeps/dogs…anyone!

Ferry Part II
Ferry Part II
So I'm pretty creeped out and flattered at the same time right now. (i'm on the ferry avoiding this man) I don't know what to think. I don't know how to feel.
I know we've all heard of the cheesy pick up lines but I'm sure most of us never really experienced them...I have, today.
I mean some guys say the weirdest things to me, but this was pure shit, I mean straight out shit, like typing in "Funny, cheesy pick up lines" on Google shit.
So heres what happened...
I walked in to the Ferry terminal and I was standing by one of the big, uh, poles, I guess..the ones by the garbage cans. I'm waiting for the Ferry to come minding my own fucking business as always and I see a man walking towards me. In my head I'm begging someone/anyone for him not to bother me. He was older, and had Harry Potter glasses on (I'm sure they're prescription).
Soo! He comes up to me and asks "hablas espanol?" and I do, but being an asshole I said "no" followed by making this face -_-
He then starts rambling, and I'm listening to the end of "I'm golden blue" by Sonic Youth not giving a fuck..
He said "Are you from around here"
Again, being an asshole I said "NO "
he says "Oh, well you need a license"At this point I'm thinking this guy is nuts, and maybe I should have told the truth when asked if I was from NY, license for fucking what!?
I said "What!?"
He says "you need a license around here to be that lovely"
Did he really think that, that was going to work?
I mean, yeah it was sweet, but in the most creepiest way EVER
I just politely started smiling and start giving the "fuck off" vibe
He finally says "ah, you're not into it" and walks away.
He's right, I'm not.
It was embarrassing. People watched and I walked in shame,
The Ferry
Photo Credit:
The Fucking Ferry
So. Here I am, on the ferry. Praying to God, or whoever that no one steals my iPad. No, I'm not being ignorant, just paranoid (besides I see people eyeing it, so what the fuck am I supposed to think)
It's the end of the week, I'm super tired and the last thing I want to deal with are tourist. I don't have anything against them but if you're a "New Yorker" you know sometimes you just want to push the beautiful, tall, naturally thin, blonde that doesn't notice anyone or anything (WTF is with that, there oblivious to everything around them. It's either Americans have low self esteem or foreigner are just weird..whatever), taking pictures of the "Ferry" sign out of the fucking way and ride the boat in peace.
I know, you know what I'm talking about.
Anyway, the reason I'm stating this is because I found the perfect spot to sit in and here comes a beautiful family being all annoying and cute and fucks it allll up. Normally I wouldn't be rude and get up, instead I would pretend I'm cold by shivering then walk inside. NOT TODAY mother fuckers, I totally walked out..and felt like a bit of an asshole after. Because I lied, I didn't walk out, I stormed out.
I'm sorry.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
If you say you don't use spellcheck you're an asshole...and a liar.
Why not use it? Spell check is great, even when it corrects your name. Use it, like it, love it (even though it tries to convince me that my name is Sara rather then Sasha)
Wah wah blah blah "I don't even need spell check" GET THE FUCK OUT (<- my new favorite phrase, so freeing, and blunt)
I know spell check doesn't do all the work for us, but it does most! So stop being a lazy fuck and correct that shit on your own.
I don't even know where this is going anymore. I'm in class, goodbye.
Don't Know Why
Am I the online who doesn't take Craigslist serious?
I mean, I take the missed connections serious, because they're the funniest thing ever. The posts are cute in the most sickening way ever. Am I right? You know I'm right.
What I'm really talking about is the job postings. We all need jobs, we all need to write a cover letter, resume, y'know the whole sha-bang. Here's where I fuck up almost all the time. I send in the shittiest cover letters and rarely ever fix/change/add on to my resume, and it's not because I'm lazy but because I feel like the job postings are fake. Before I check out the site I think all day about it, "I can't wait to send out my resume to every posting in the world" then when i get to a computer I think "eh, fuck's probably fake anyway"
So someone please tell me, am I wrong? Can I really find a job through Craigslist? How can I ditch the bitch (and by that I mean avoid the scams)?
Maybe I've never been hired because I don't take it seriously, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to. That's why I'm turning here. I will most likely get crickets. Someone better fucking answer me..please?
Update: I really want an internship with SPIN magazine, and I. Just realized what I THOUGHT was my resume was really my cover letter to them, and I sent it out to maybe 15 stores. Fuck. My. Life.
Monday, November 01, 2010
I never realized
that great blogs always have points. That being said, this is no great blog. What this is, is me being too crazy to keep a notebook.
You're so sex, you're so drugs
You're so rock and roll, you're so in the moment
You're so self-centered, you're so sad cause
You're so so so so cliché.
You're so rock and roll, you're so in the moment
You're so self-centered, you're so sad cause
You're so so so so cliché.
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