Saturday, January 30, 2010

Strawberry Fields Forever!

I have a strange love for strawberries. I fancy everything about them. The way they stain your lips, holding the sturdy green stem as a handle, the discoloration at the top, smashed, ripe, old, it’s always an excellent fruit. It’s sweet sometimes sour taste. Best of both fucking worlds. The greatest part has to be chewing the seeds individually. I believe they’re extremely unappreciated. The only place where I’ll admit they go wrong is when candy is artificially flavored: strawberry. Gross. I still love ‘em! I truly don’t know what screams yum more then this.

In fact, would it be lame if I got a shirt that reads:
Why are they so tasty? They're so good, people write songs about them. Strawberry Fields by The Beatles, Strawberry Swing by Coldplay, Strawberry by Everclear, Strawberry Sex by Ken Hairai, Strawberry Wine by Ryan Adams, Internal Bleeding Strawberry by Olivia Lufkin, The Strawberry Roan by Cisco Houston, Strawberry Avalanche by Owl City. I'm sure theres plenty more..  AHH THE LOVE WE SHARE.

*Update*  Strawberry Wine, Bad Strawberries by Japanese rock band Kenichi Asai..

Even Animal Collective values strawberries.

Friday, January 08, 2010

I Wanna Sex You Up

Georgia May Jagger!

Abigail Breslin..

I truly love this little girl. She's so adorable and should've won that Oscar.

oh my, that hair..

Should I Stay or Should I Go

Today was ridiculously cold. My cheeks still burn from the cold brutal winds slapping me in the face. I truly want to go away, somewhere far. And warm. Too bad I love New York to much. I don’t think I'd actually ever leave. (Although I would enjoy Paris, the French, I’m sure would not enjoy moi) I didn’t get to go thrifting like we, [Jackie, Kim, and I] planned so we just went on Prince, then St. Marks...Then to canal ; I Finally got V

                                          This picture was soo unflattering............

It was only $17! Then I got these. But only because I needed sneakers. Not really crazy about them. There was a great amount of tourist today, more then usual. That made it more of a pain to shop. Wasn’t complaining about all the cute guys. I could really give a shit if you’re from another country. We went into Topshop, and it was complete, utter madness. Every rack said “$20 and under”. Wish I didn’t spend all my money :/ But really ladies? Fighting over clothes? …Err; I’d probably be the same

OH AND WHAT BETTER WAY TO START 2010 THEN WITH A SWOLLEN KNEE! (SANTI!) I’ve never hurt myself so badly to the point that I have to go to a hospital. Fuck, I totally thought if I ignored this horrible pain it would go away. Like always, I thought wrong. Now I have to plan a visit to get an x-ray. With a bit of luck, I won’t have to get any form of surgery. FUCK, I’m nervous. I want to be a dance major so naturally I would just ignore but not this time. In a month I’ll be auditioning for college so this has to go away. (last posting on pointless clothes, and shopping trips, maybe.)

Note: I wrote this Janurary 2nd, and for some reason it never posted?

Since then, I haven’t got an x-ray, and my knee still hurts. Any tips? Oh and I read over my blogs... I sound cheesy as fuck. Guess its better then being a Debbie Downer


Friday, January 01, 2010

This song has been on my head


Such a great band..Can't wait to hopefully see them again.


It's 2010 and so far all I see is people complaining, "Who cares if its 2010, big deal." or "Fuck the new year." because obviously they're waaaay too cool to care? (Sarcasm intended). Up yours, I'm a happy camper, which is strange because usually I’m the Bitter Betty, the Negative Nancy, The Debbie Downer. Not this time my friend. My new years went pretty well although I don't really feel like writing about how I spent my night but I will talk about when I went shopping the day before!

I think everyone knows I’m not an avid 'jean-wearer' and I always prefer tights, leggings, dresses, & skirts. But never sweats, I hate sweats (unless I'm working out). My previous post was on things I would have enjoyed getting for Christmas but unfortunately didn’t get. I did some shopping and out of that list I still got ZIP. Surprisingly, this time I got jeans. I was so proud and my dad was even more ecstatic. I also bought a few shirts and a hat. Disappointed in how much I didn’t get.

I got these earings that I love tons but I'm thinking they might be tacky, what do you think?

Later that day I went to MAC, originally looking for an eye brow brush. When I saw the lipsticks it was instant. Move over Marilyn Red (or make some space) for Russian Red. First I was excited to buy Chili, but when I saw Russian, I didn’t even think twice to make the purchase. Though I kind of wish I bought Spice it Up! Wow, I'm not even a big makeup fanatic. I must sound crazy. I've just never been passionate like all other Junior-High schoolers about lip-gloss. I've always loathed having guck on my lip, so fucking gross. I like Lipstick and blush; plus it reminds me of my mother who loved Marilyn Monroe (who was so charming?). Since my mom is no longer alive, I try to keep as much as I can of unforgotten.

 I’m stoked for tommorow...going thrifting in Brooklyn with some friends. Really hoping to find great buys for cheap. I hate spending but I love the joy of new things. If you know any good spots, comment.

Oh & I found out Vampire Weekends record doesn’t come out until January 15th, I think. All that excitement for nothing I guess. This post really went no where but read and follow!