Sunday, September 15, 2013

I just don't know anymore

I hate to be that girl who writes about her problems on the internet but here I am. Like a 15 year old girl feeling sad and feeling like she can't go to anyone but her macbook. I've been feeling so lost lately and it's scary. I have a great boyfriend, a cool job, and school but I feel like that's not enough. There's nothing behind most of those things. I want to feel pure happiness and I'm not sure to fully achieve this. I'm crying and I don't know why. I'm sure I'll regret posting this in a few hours but fuck everything, I think it's okay to be vulnerable in this place called the internet. I'm so lucky but I feel so misunderstood, and it really just sucks. I know I have no major problems and should be grateful for everything that comes my way or just for the simple fact that I have a bed, and food, and a job, etc. but I just can't help to feel just so...crappy.  

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Hey guys, just wanted to share a band with y'all on a Saturday...consider yourselves lucky ;)

If you're into banjos, fiddles, and fun get into The Brothers Comatose! I literally just heard their stuff, and before you judge they definitely aren't true to their bands name (comatose, psh, more like...I got nothing, but they're great!). Although I wouldn't typically listen to this, I've been on a blue-grassy kick and they're hitting all the right spots to make me want to get up, clap, and ear-to-ear smile.

And if you dig it, well, you're in luck again! They're playing a show tomorrow at The Bell House in Brooklyn for 10 bucks!

If you're still undecided, check out their video for "Pie for Breakfast"...which reminds me, I'm pretty hungry. Anyway, happy Saturday!

Monday, September 09, 2013


This pipsqueak has got some serious pipes - said no one ever...


Everyone is buzzing about the ex broadway-CAT VALENTINE-red headed, now brunette-err, kind of-turned pop star. She's been compared to Mariah (we on fy-ah) and to be fair she's definitely got that talent but she's also got her own thing going on. This is her debut album but for the older fans, let's not ever forget about this catastrophe...I'm sorry, live and learn bb.

Anyway, not only can she belt it out like it's no ones business, but she's also great at impressions, but that's just a side thing. I gotchu' Ari. 

 She looks like she's five, but I got a big 'ol crush on her, and I really hope that's okay to say. My favorite song on the album so far is a duet between her and The Wanted's, Nathan Sykes "Almost Is Never Enough". SO MUCH TENSION.  Overall, I give this album lots of love because I'd enjoy any tune sung to me by her any day, any time. So Ari, can I call you that? If you ever see this, serenade me. 

Monday, September 02, 2013


I never thought I'd miss someone as much as I  miss this loser. Summer is over, class begins soon, and as much as I hate sweaty thighs and frizzy hair, I need Summer forever.