Thursday, September 30, 2010

Oh You Fancy, huh?

Last night I got to attend the Drake show at Radio City Music Hall (read here on how I got tickets).
To make a long story short Stephania, my friend who I invited, was running late.

She somehow got stuck in-between the Ferry doors trying to convince a worker to wait for me, she got hit on by an hottie hottie Australian, we get off on 50th, realized how long the line was, finally get inside after a lengthy, dreadful, yet exciting 3 minutes, walk into the venue filled of a tons of kids who looked like they’re from Staten Island (you know, the ones who wear Yankee caps, with nice sneakers, and a v-necks…just saying) we pass every row, wind up in the “Friends and Family” section (pit 3rd row) waiting anxiously for Drake to come on, he comes on along with a bunch of other artist, Steff raps to every song, I enjoy myself rapping a few words to his singles

groupie love was in the air, Drake wanted to fuck everyone and everything (including the air), I got his attention for two seconds, Steff got it for 5, he gave out a Blackberry, his sang…well! He rapped…he shouted, he cursed, he looked *siiigh*,

 he made fun of people (girls), he called people out (again, girls) he was simply overall, amazing, WHAT A GOOD FUCKING NIGHT.

Tyga opened, Drake was…well, the only way I can really describe him is with a wink, and an OK hand gesture. Trey Songs, Swizz Beats, Bird Man, Young Jeezy (I think),

F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S, Kayne West, naaaaww he didn't come out, but that would have been insane, and Jay FUCKING Z. I might be forgetting someone, Drake "shoots" himself, falls to the ground, pays tribute to Aliyah :( but what a great night it was.

Quite honestly I still feel like I took someone’s opportunity to see their favorite rapper…AAAAAND I’m over it. I had a great night.

Heres a quick video I made LOL. It’s just a bunch of shitty pictures I took, and got in trouble for.

I'm in lust.

Did I mention how great my night was?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Part three.

If things go the way I want: my professor won't be angry that I didn't show up to class.

Tonight is fun and no one is wearing heels (girls can be so stupid wearing 6 inch heels you can't walk in, to a show. Well maybe not a show, but a concert. Those of you who are most likely not in VIP, so enjoy the pain ladies!).

 I get home in time to change and get really ready, and Drake thinks I'm a groupie..then we "hook-up". LOL joking, really. I pity those girls, even if they are just trying to have a good time.

I'm sure none of this will go smoothly, I have bad feelings tonight is going to be a mess.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You're Gonna Lose Us

This is what happens when you let someone you don't know vent to you..

..& It only got worse.

Let's just hope he/she does NOT see this. I have a heart, I'll feel horrible.

Uh, WAT?

This is the e-mail I opened during my English class. Imagine all the excitement I was holding back.


Woah. Things are going too good for me right now, I'm nervous..

I've never been a huge fan of Drake but I have always thought he was cute! A month ago I entered a contest becuase I thought it would be funny to confess my love to Drake..the funny part is, I won.

I kind of feel bad...Why? Well, there are so many people who are die-hards, and I'm not one of them.


I'm being selfish and going, and I will enjoy myself! Stephania (who dies for Drake) will REALLY enjoy herself. We will have a great fucking night.

Here is what I wrote to THE FADER...thanks guys:

"Lick it up, baby. LICK. IT. UP"

“Well other then getting hit with a million beer cans/bottles, etc. that infamous day at the Seaport, and actually sticking around…It would be awesome to see Drake perform under safe circumstances…oh, and he’s cute!

Oh! I just read and realized you want us to write “Why Drake is the ruler of your universe”…Uhh…

Well…he has great lyrics, and he’s from Canada. I’d say it’s tough to be “hard” if you’re from Canada…

I’m lying. It does not mater where you’re from…JUST PICK ME.”

Gotta' love them Canadians!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Change Is Hard

I also miss this little lady.
Oh, Hai Kay.


I miss this little man.


If you live in Staten Island, you know.

The long waits in the freezing cold, the long waits in horrible heat, the long waits with crack heads, the long waits with people who blast the music on their iPODS. The. LONG. fucking. WAITS.

Ask Her To Dance

I hate this picture, but fuck it makes me LOL.


What goes on?

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I finally have a job! I work with Borders, the bookstore. Today was my first day. it went well. I'm lying. It was horrible. The standing didn't bother me; the long hours didn't bother me. The cash register did. So did the fact that I really can't do something I don't enjoy doing it. I refuse. It really sucks to say this because "I'm not a quitter" but I'm quitting. Actually, I would prefer to say I'm done wasting my time with calendars. PEOPLE ACTUALLY BUY CALENDARS! For sixteen bucks! Who would have thunk it. I feel so stupid leaving this job after one day but I don't want to be that person who wastes their time doing something they don’t enjoy.

Being happy means a lot to me because that mood is normally hard to fully achieve. Fuck. I also have lots of school work. I don't think I can handle the two, or a least I can't handle the Day By Day Calendar booth and the way it makes me feel.

I'm ready for a job that makes me happy, such as my job in school. My job that consists of helping a man named Nathaniel Guy. He's great. I don't look at it as I job because he makes me laugh. I'm ready to find another job like that.

That being said quitting is going to be quite the task. I feel like a jackass. Hopefully they will understand, doubt it.


Monday, September 20, 2010

"If you like what you just saw, if Dan put you in a state of awe..."

Here I am, sitting in from of my computer, aimlessly typing a bunch of nothing. This feels so much more productive then writing a paper on my stance on "Accent Reduction and intelligence". To be blunt, I couldn’t care less. I don’t think your accent tells me anything about you intelligence. Although, it does narrow down where you are possibly from...and that doesn't matter unless I actually care!


Anyway, I’ve been spending a majority of my time on YouTube. Fuck, yes. YOUTUBE. And no, I’m not talking about typing in “Baby with missing tooth laughing” but VLOGS (for those of you who don’t know, video blogging). I wish I could come up with a reason as to why I’m soooo…uh...fixated with other people’s opinion. People who I know nothing about or people I have never met, or never will meet.

I’ve been on a Dan Brown high. Who is Dan Brown you might ask? A boy, or man, I guess who is very politically aware. He has a cute girlfriend and he lives in Nebraska, I believe. That was my description...

For a more descriptive description (lol) Wikipedia says “Daniel Scott Zahller Brown (born May 15, 1990) is an American internet blogger on YouTube under the alias Pogobat.” YES. Also, he got the name Pogobat from POGO STICKS AND THE AQUABATS...whom I love (even though I sold my tickets to one of there shows to see "The Academy Is..." instead :|[big mistake]).

I prefer his “Dan Brown University” videos.  I wish I could be a YouTuber.

That’s all.

I’m not quite sure why I’m sharing this.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


The two things in life that make me happy are music, and dancing. I’m sure most people my age can say that. It’s one thing we all have in common. Maybe not? It took me countless days and sleepless nights to realize that being a “dancer” isn’t realistic (not to say I will never persue it again).

It hurts.
It sucks.
It fucking sucks.

As I said before, I’m never been one to share my deep feelings over the internet, and so I’m not going to start now. BUT I what I will say, or more so post is this video. A video named Addiction. A piece danced by two contestants on my favorite show (that is going to be hard to watch next season due to my realizations) about how hard it is to get over an addiction when it’s always right there.

It truly brings tears to my eyes, its strong as fuck. The video quality isn’t that great (for some reason they don’t have the original danced piece), but watch it anyway. It’s astounding. I can sit here and think of a million words to describe this dance or I can post this so someone can possibly get something out of it.

Fuck. It’s too good. Great.

As for music being the biggest influence in my life, which again is a bunch of SAPP! No one says it better then the people in 30 Seconds to Mars’ video: Closer To The Edge

I can't embed it so I'm posting the link. Really watch it. I was in the crowd and they're soo incredible live. It's a fucking cult. No, I'm not kidding. They're good. My feelings on Jared Leto are still a bit on the fence but WATCH! (4:47)

Wow, never thought I’d relate to Jared Leto in anyway. HAHA. But YES, again, it’s great. I love when I can actually relate to others. It’s kind of strange how someone can feel just the way you do. Obscure world we live in, eh?

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Ships With Holes Will Sink

I could NOT be any more frustrated right now. I feel horrible and ignorant saying this but the young lady sitting beside me (possibly reading over my shoulder) has a horrible stench. I'm squirming as I write this. I don't enjoy saying this about someone but I have two hours to kill in this office. I'm so nauseous; it's actually making me angry. I would get up but I'm not THAT rude. I promise. Although I really really REALLY want too.

Other then that waiting for my number to be called is horrible, and lengthy. I kind of want to yell at one of these hags; actually they've been very nice to far. So, I take that back. I’m stoked on getting a "free" iPAD. I better fucking get that #iPAD.
