Saturday, June 30, 2012


After beer drinkin' and seeing Of Montreal, Kim, who were reunited for the first time since graduated high school, and I decided to check out a party in Bushwick....


This "party" consisted of a bunch of high-schoolers smoking pot in a corner. WE WE'RE THE OLD HAGS. It was terrible.

Friday, June 29, 2012

I like nice people. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Sitting in the backyard baking while Jac and Justie swim around. SO. VERY. HOT.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I'm currently in bed on a Sunday night like everyone else, or at least that's what I keep assuming in order to make myself feel like I'm not missing out on something rad or like good conversation. I keep telling myself to do something, something good, something almost great, but I never follow through...or at least I haven't yet. I don't really know where I'm going with this but I really just wanted to post this picture because I have a really cool niece who calls me by the name of "My BFF". Fuck respect. She always does what she wants and says what she feels, which is scary sometimes, and hurtful at other times, but at the end of the day, it's mostly roll on the floor-stomach crunches-hilarious, literally. People say kids have no filter, and people are right, but she acts the way she does because she really, truly, gives no fucks. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


  • Small/nonexistent pinky toenails
  • When people pronounce the word "birthday" as "birtday"
  • When boys smile like Justin Bieber (even though he can still get it)
  • People who won't let the joke end
  • Boys walking on their tippy toes, gliding with every step
  • When Sour Patch loose their sour (although that can just be because I purchase mine at a 99 cents store?)
  • Having the best songs/playlist on maximum volume on the walk home alone, then turning a corner to a bunch of people and having a song like "7 Things" by Miley Cyrus come on
  • Women who wear thick white socks and shitty KMart sneakers with their skirt suits...maybe it's just a NYC thing?