Monday, January 31, 2011

What I do during breaks?

Currently? My break right now, this second consist of me wanting to stab myself in the eye because I didn't peruse dance. Sitting next to what seems to be an African type class going on in the room to my left. The drums keep getting louder and louder. I could be leaping, doing pirouettes, and burning some fat. Instead I'm just being a super jealous crazy person forcing water down my throat, eating chocolate covered pretzels and not doing my paper. Awesome.

In other new you guys should check out Cute giveaways and all that jazz!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Music Monday!

I know, I know. It's not Monday. Fuck off. Music Monday is catchy so it stays.

Today is about Interpol! Need I say more?... Seriously. Just ask.

Here is one of the songs off their new album. So great!

Free MP3 Downloads at

Also they're having this contest on (which is a website where all of us music lovers get to well, talk music..oh! and brag about all of the shows we've been to). You can win all of this neat stuff. Link below.

Oh shit! They're also playing Radio City Music Hall February seventeenth. Anyone going?

I'm gonna go back to listening to Interpol and forcing 32 ounces of water down my throat! Later dudes!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Close to Me

I've always been so independent. As much as people might think that's a good trait, relying on someone seems so much easier. It's depressing to think "everyone let's you down". Holy fuck, I need a therapist.

What I also need is a "partner in crime". Don't kill me for using that term! I have best friends. I have a best friend, whom I love. But what I ultimately want is someone who kind of like me. Again, don't kill me for sounding like a narcissistic asshole. Growing up I got into my small amounts trouble with friends but I never got to experience "crazy Saturday nights" with a "partner in crime". I want small things. I'm only asking for a girl who shares similar interest as me, enjoys dancing around, can lay in bed and dude troll on the Internet, listen to music play as we eat, sneak into shows we weren't invited to, and enjoys planning (because I seem to be the one who always gives my friends plans). Someone I'm comfortable enough to take pictures with and get ready in front of.

I love peopl. Maybe a little too much, but the wrong people approach me. I get so fucking bored. I should give more people chances. Eh. I'm not sure how I feel about things anymore.

I guess I'm asking for a lot here..but who says I'm not allowed too? 

Just thinking about..

when I absolutely hated my name? It was the worst. The dialogue of when I introduced myself to new people went a little bit like this:

Me: Hi, my name is Sasha.
Random Person: That's my dogs name!


Me: Hey, I'm Sasha.
Random Person: You're Russian?..I thought that was a boys name.

My entire childhood was me trying to get people to call me Alex. Because Alex somehow translates to Sasha in Russian. How? I wouldn't know.

Then there was that time when I tried to get people to call me Cam. My last name is Camacho. I think you can figure the rest out.. What the fuck was up with me. Fucking crazy identity crisis!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Back Against The Wall

Wow, I hate to be a really big asshole and post my depressing thoughts online but fuck I need a companionship. I haven't felt this lonely in a while. I need a boy to talk to, and cuddle with..or a dog. A do would be cool too. Preferably my old baby Teddy Mercury..but I doubt that will happen so I guess a cute, funny, TALL boy will do.
I work with a bunch of babes, but I'm an intern, and no one likes interns, right?

So maybe I should let things fall into place. Until then I will keep classy and smile..

Who am I kidding?

I still don't have acceess to a computer so for now it's just me and my iPad, which I'm completely addicted to..when I do save up enough money to buy myself a laptop I will probably be on this a whole lot more. I enjoy aimlessly writing on an online journal. It's interesting, and allows me to take better notice in what kind of a person I am. So far I realized I get bored WAY to easily, I hate proof-reading, and I'm a lovely, lonely girl.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

El Guincho

Still obsessed with this song/video. Check it out! Go listen! Now! You won't regret it!